Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy International Moment of Laughter Day

I use Mystery Motivators with my kids as an independent group contingency reinforcement system. Essentially, they get the chance to earn 5 stars throughout the day by following class rules. If they earn all 5, they get a Mystery Motivator at the end of the day. At some point in the year, the kids got pretty bored of my 10 recycled activities (free time, shaving cream, play dough, bubbles, movie, etc.). I stumbled on a National Holiday website that, as the name would imply, lists the national holidays from day to day. I have started incorporating them into my Mystery Motivators. For example, March 10 was national "Learn what your name means day". Everyone who earned all their stars sat around my computer and we looked up the meaning of their names and read them aloud to the class. The kids loved it! I printed it out for them to take home as well.

Now I have the habit of checking on a weekly basis to see what holidays are coming up. Today is International Moment of Laughter Day. It is also

Anniversary - President Lincoln's Assassination
Dia De Las Alericas (Honduras)
Children With Alopecia Day
Pan-American Day

So, in honor of laughter, here are some of the things I find hilarious:

JohnJay and Rich. The premise of this segment is not funny, but they say some hilarious things. I listen to them every morning and listen to their podcasts at least once a day. They may be the funniest people on the planet.

Flight of the Conchords

Jim Gaffigan. Hot pockets...