Here's the scene of today's story: my house, my room, early this morning. Clothes are strewn about and I am in my bathroom putting my makeup on...
My dad came in and asked if I had a couple of minutes to spare. Sure I do. (Not really. It was snowing like crazy and I ended up on the freeway for two hours and was an hour late to work.) He then tells me he's pretty sure someone broke into the garage last night and wanted me to see. WHAT?! So, as we head downstairs he said the garage door was open and my passenger side door of my car. "Well, someone definitely broke in then cause I didn't open your side of the garage and I didn't open my passenger door when I got home last night." So we go into the garage and he showed me the somewhat fresh footprints in the snow leading from the road to the truck and then to the garage.
Our own stupid mistake, my dad and I had left the truck in the driveway the past few days rather than parking it in the garage. So whoever broke in, smashed the truck window and then opened the garage with the door opener in there. Luckily, we always lock the door that leads from the garage into the house. Lucky for them I mean. I am such a paranoid person that I have taken every precaution, thought of every situation I could ever be in and am prepared in more ways than one to defend my life.
The odd thing is, they didn't take anything. There were some expensive tools in the garage, my ipod was in my car, I had a couple of expensive purses in there too. I'm lucky in that way. At least we didn't lose anything.
Maybe it was just some loser(s) who thought they have the right to take things that others have worked hard for. Or maybe I or my dad has a stalker.
Here's the facts:
-As mentioned before, they didn't take anything
-they didn't seem rushed, as the footprints were clearly those of someone walking, not running
-they had been there recently, meaning between 5-7 in the morning because you could still see the footprints clearly in the snow and you could see some barely wet footprints in the garage.
What do you all think? Like I mentioned before, I am paranoid, so I assume it's personal. But I do have a tendency to be crazy. Just ask my ex boyfriends.
OH MY GOSH!!! I cannot even believe this!
How scary this is. I am so happy you lock the door but I am surprised they didn't take your ipod.
Wow. That is really frightening. You are smart to be prepared and ready to defend yourself. I hope it was a fluke and they won't be back!!
I am leaning toward a stalker. Remember how we were talking about all those minions of men that you have charmed and left them hopelessly infatuated with the very thought of you. That is why i am thinking stalker. And I promise that I am not the stalker as you still hang out with me and I am a girl not a man. Either way someone is lucky that they are still alive and didn't go into your house.
If it was a GOOD stalker. They would have been smart enough to know not to go in your room.
I think the # for fraud alert is 1 800 680 7289. If that doesn't work let me know.
So other people that read this comment know why I told her to do a fraud alert, it is because my Hunny got his identity stolen from documents found in his glove box.
That is just CREEPY!!!
I wish I could say something like "oh no big deal, I hear this happens all the time" But no I cant, I am NEVER leaving one of my cars with a garage door opener in it in the driveway again!
So wait. Do you they have your garage door opener to come back later?
It sounds to me like someone looking for drugs I doubt you have anything to be worried about but you did report it right? It's a good thing the house was locked up I hope that my thoughts on a drug user is right some people that do prescription drugs will break into any house to sift through their stuff and he/she may have just been looking for that although expensive purses and an ipod could have been potential drug money so I don't know Tiff but make sure you report it the cops will watch your house close for the next couple weeks at least they say they do :)...
I know I already answered your question Gina, but in case anyone else is wondering, we changed the frequency on the openers, so the one they stole is useless now.
Ummm...way creepy! We had someone snooping around our house while we were gone a couple of months ago and he was caught. He told the police he was with his girlfriend when her Dad got mad at him and so he left for a joy ride and was "hiding" from the Dad. Go figure. It really makes you wonder though!
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