Sunday, October 4, 2009

Superhero tattoo

Trey told me that getting one of these tattoos makes you a superhero. I'm Wolverine now, in case you can't tell. For all you bad guys out there, watch out. Trey and I are on the beat.


Mom at Our House said...

I have to admit, I peed a little because I was so scared. But don't tell anyone

Tiffany said...

Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. In other funny Trey news, when he started playing soccer he also started asking where a certain man was who is no longer in my life. He asked 4 or 5 times in one day, so I finally said, "E was really mean to Aunt Tiffy, so we don't talk to him anymore." Then last night he was asking me if I had friends. I started to name my friends. I said "Erin is my friend" and he said "Yeah, he's pretty mean." Ha ha. I can't believe he remembered that all these weeks later.

Charlotte said...

Do you think it would work if I got a clean house tattoo? I would be willing to go permanent if it works.

Rhonda said...

What a tough duo. I hope you will always be there when I need you.

Rhonda said...

Ha! Ha! I know both of your secrets.

Whittron said...

Dude, where did the Justin Bieber post go?

It's no surprise at all to me that you like him.

Did you see him on letterman? classic.

Tiffany said...

I didn't see him on Letterman, but I will youtube it immediately. I started on it, but felt like it wasn't quite right, so I took it down almost immediately. I will work on it though and have it up soon.