Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm famous! Well, I'm pretty sure I will be anyway. Maybe not...

I'm famous! My (newly ex'd) boyfriend's famous too! My friend Jen too! (she shot the video)


Gina said...

Hey, that's rad!

Meredith said...

That's fabulous! Except the part where you almost died. Remember me when you're famous!

Summer & Rich said...

You were AMAZING! I love the looking in to mirror scene. So moving so powerful. I am your biggest fan. I think I should start a fan club. Maybe you could come to a couple of our meetings your fans would love it.

Rhonda said...

How impressive. Such a beautiful actress and so talented.

thejindras said...

awesome awesome! I'm glad i finally got to see it. maybe i should be better at checkin peoples blogs and blogging my own! :)