Saturday, September 11, 2010

Inca Toffee and Nietzsche

I woke up this morning with a growing sense of unease.  It has been building up all day and it feels... uneasy.  I have come to the conclusion that I am going to die soon.  I also have been having serious heart pain the last few days (not heartburn) which only confirms my theory of imminent death.

One thing that did make my day wonderful, however, was the discovery of this in my bedroom:

I bought bags of these when I was in Peru, because they are legitimately the tastiest treats to ever exist.  I thought I had eaten them all and I found a bag of them today.  I rejoiced.  

On an entirely different note, I took Reeb to Barnes and Noble today to peruse the philosophy section (for myself) and the kids section (for Reeb).  I bought "The Philosopher's Handbook" and haven't even made it through the introduction yet after a considerable time spent reading and rereading.  This is not my road of thinking, but it really interests me.  When I lived in New Jersey, I had a friend named Aryn who was a philosophy major at Princeton.  She once took me to a party in a basement on campus somewhere.  I remember sitting there in awe at her and her fellow philosophy major friends' conversation.  I hope I can one day be on 1/10 of her level at understanding Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau, Locke, Kant and others.


Mom at Our House said...

Maybe it is anxiety?

Kim and Ken Carlile said...

Please don't die.

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

Uh, don't die or I will punch your cute (dead) face. Just hold on to those happy Inca Toffee thoughts and live, baby!

knarls said...

Philosophy + smoking = Chest pains + thoughts of imminent death!

knarls said...

philosophy + smoking = chest pains + thoughts of imminent death. <3

knarls said...

your censorship of commentary is ridonkulous

Tiffany said...

Censhorship removed. Please tell me we are still going to Hanson on Thursday...